
The Importance of Finding Purpose In Midlife

The most common complaint that I hear from midlife women is that they have lost their sense of purpose in life. This typically comes about when they are left with an empty nest, but there are other reasons you, as a midlife woman, may feel this way.

Lacking purpose and meaning can come about from career boredom, midlife divorce and after the loss of a job. Have you been faced with any of these?

When you lack purpose and meaning in midlife it can cause feelings of emptiness, sadness, low self-esteem, boredom, low energy, general malaise and low to no motivation. Whatever the reason is for you, finding purpose in midlife is of utmost importance.

Why Finding Purpose In Midlife Is So Important.

1. It Gives Your Life Meaning

This may seem obvious, but living your life with purpose gives your life meaning. Having meaning makes it easier to lift your head off the pillow in the morning and jump out of bed. In other words, you will be more motivated when your life has purpose and meaning. You will also feel a renewed level of energy, something that many midlife women feel they have lost. Of course, it is normal to have lower energy levels in midlife and there can be multiple reasons for that. Having purpose and meaning in your life can definitely help however.

2. It Increases Your Self-Worth

We all want to feel good about ourselves, right? And when you are living your life with purpose and meaning it increases your self-worth. Just knowing that you are contributing to something that is greater than yourself will allow you to feel good about yourself. It’s a win-win, because you benefit and those that you are contributing to and impacting feel good also. This is one of the BIGGEST benefits of finding purpose in midlife. You will be helping to make the world a better place.


3. It Leads To Fulfillment and Happiness

Happiness seems to be the ultimate life long goal for everybody, but unfortunately it seems to elude many. The sad part about that is that happiness is actually a choice that we are all able to make in any given moment. (More on that in another blog post, so stay tuned.)

Living a purposeful life will lead to greater fulfillment and in turn happiness. Yes, it really is that simple! When you increase your self-worth you will feel more confident and that will in turn increase your happiness also.

4. It’s Good For Your Mental and Physical Health

The benefit to your mental and physical health is like the cherry on top when you find your midlife purpose. Your self-worth increases and how you feel about yourself impacts both your mental and physical health.

Think happy dance!

When you are living with purpose, the feel good hormones (endorphins) are released into your blood stream and lift your mood making you feel even happier. It’s like an infinite loop that keeps feeding itself. In addition, you will sleep better, have more patience and have a more positive outlook on life.

The physical benefits of finding your midlife purpose are immeasurable. You can decrease your risk of stroke, heart disease and depression. Given that the risk for all of these diseases tends to increase in midlife women, the physical benefits alone should motivate you to want to have purpose in midlife.

What Are You Waiting For?

The importance of finding your midlife purpose is beyond measure. The question for so many however, is how do you do that. That’s why I’m in the process of creating my newest course Finding Purpose & Meaning In Midlife.

I’m very excited about this new course because I know that it will help me to fulfill my purpose in midlife of helping other midlife women make midlife their best life. Finding Purpose & Meaning In Midlife will be available very soon, but you don’t have to wait!

You can get started today by scheduling your complimentary Midlife Momentum Session with me. During this 30-minute call I will help you explore how you can regain a sense of purpose and meaning in midlife starting immediately.

Just click on the link below and you will be on your way to finding purpose in midlife AND having all of the amazing benefits that I shared above.

Remember, midlife can be your best life, but you have to be willing to take the first step to getting there. That’s what the Midlife Momentum Session is all about…taking the first step.

But don’t delay! These spots fill up and I’d hate for you to miss out.

I can’t wait to speak with you!

Schedule Your Midlife Momentum Session Now

With love,
