
Why Midlife Women Are My Tribe

There is this memory that is so vivid in my mind. It’s from when I was a teenager and it has never gone away. I don’t remember what age I was exactly, but probably between thirteen and fifteen years old. It goes like this.

I am standing in the family room of our modest home on three-acres in Napa, CA. When out of nowhere this thought comes to me. It’s almost like a voice, and it says,

“You can do anything you put your mind to.”

Now you have to understand, this voice could not have come from any of my family members. You see, my parents although well meaning, were more apt to tell me NOT to get my hopes up about ANYTHING.

They loved me of course and wanted the best for me, but they never encouraged me to be anything more than average.

I remember when I made the decision to go to college after working for two years out of high school. My mother’s words of advice were simply,

“College is about learning the ropes and just getting by. You just need to get C’s.”


Whose parent’s give that advice to their children as they are headed off to college? Don’t most parents want their children to excel?

Lacking Self Confidence

It wasn’t clear to me at the time, that it was my mother’s self-doubts about herself that she was projecting onto me. Not intentionally of course, but only because she didn’t know how to do it any other way. You see, my mother was parenting me in the same way that she was likely parented.

What I also didn’t realize until many years later, is that my mother was trying to protect me. Yes, my mother did not want me to be the victim of my own disappointment when MY dreams didn’t came true.

She knew that life unfortunately, does not always provide a happily ever after ending like Walt Disney would like us to believe.

We Are What We Believe

So, I did what any good girl would do and I took my mother’s advice. I went off to college, just barely “learned the ropes” and “just got by” earning lots of C’s and the occasionally D. Yes, there were classes that I had to repeat in my major in order to graduate.

What I also didn’t realize at the time was that I had been living by this advice for my whole life!

I was just getting by in Junior High AND High School, because that is the standard that my mother unknowingly had set for me.

What we learn at an early age is embedded in our subconscious belief system, branded there unbeknownst to us. And it’s those beliefs that shape us and determine how we interact with the world around us.

When I was in the sixth grade, I had an experience that involved my mother that I have never forgotten. While I will save that story for another time, it embedded a belief in me that said, “Play small and do not stand out.”

The Truth of Possibilities

For years, that voice that came to me when I was a teenager laid dormant beneath the beliefs that had been handed down to me by my family. And that voice did not resurface until many years later when I was in my forties.

What woke me up to the truth of what was actually possible for me was not one specific event, but a culmination of experiences that I chose for myself.

Thank God for the power to CHOOSE, right?!

And, thank you God for waking me to up the truth of what is possible for all of us.

My BIG Why

If you have ever read the book by Simon Sinek, Start With Why, you know that it’s our BIG WHY that motivates us to do what we do in life.

And when you have a goal or dream, it’s your BIG WHY that motivates you to go after and realize that dream.

The false belief that I carried with me for most of my life, the belief that I should only strive to “just get by” is my BIG WHY.

The belief that I was merely average, not special, has propelled me to want to help others who have that same belief.

We Are ALL Special

What I have learned since I woke up to what is actually possible is that we are ALL special. That’s right!

You came into this world with special God-given gifts and talents and it is your responsibility to discover, uncover and share them with the world.

Why Midlife Women?

When you are a person who’s purpose in life is to help and heal others, you can choose to work with anyone, but you are typically drawn to work with a select few.

Over the course of my coaching career I have chosen to work with different subsets of the population. But, as my own journey reached midlife, I chose midlife women as my tribe.


Because I know that there are too many midlife women who still struggle to THRIVE as opposed to just get by.

I know that there are countless midlife women who have UNREALIZED DREAMS and that makes me sad.

Because midlife may be your last chance.

It may be your last chance to make your dreams come true. It may be your last chance to have the fairytale happy ending that Walt Disney wanted for all of us.

Your last chance to do all of the things that you always wanted to do, but never had the TIME or the CONFIDENCE to do.

It could just possibly be your last chance to say YES, I did it!

THAT’S why midlife women, aka YOU are my tribe.

Because I want to be there when your dreams come true. I want to cheer you on when you cross the finish line celebrating YOU.

Dreams Do Come True

I have come to realize that perhaps Walt Disney was right. Dreams really do come true, if you BELIEVE, have a BIG WHY and take ACTION.

So let me ask you.

“What dreams do you have that you have yet to realize?”

“What is that ONE THING that you have always wanted to do. That one thing that you have put on the back burner, because you didn’t have the confidence or the time you needed to make it happen?”

This is not the time for you to play small and be cautious.

Midlife is the time to throw caution to the wind and…


My Gift To You

I have chosen YOU, as a women in your 40’s, 50’s and beyond, and I’m passionate about helping you regain a sense of PURPOSE and have the COURAGE to go after the dreams that you’ve put off up until now.

And, that’s why I created my FREE midlife guide, 3 MUST DO’s To Love Your Midlife Years. You can grab your copy now, by following the steps below.

When you want to make a change or reach a goal, you have to take the FIRST STEP. That is what I’m inviting you to do now. Take the first step towards making midlife your best life full of purpose, confidence and fun.

You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.

If you are a midlife woman you are my tribe.

I choose YOU and now it is time for YOU to choose YOU! Go for your dreams starting today.

With love, Julie